Fall equinox meditation in a Salt Cave on 9/21 at 4pm

aromatherapy chi for healing crystal healing durham CT events ct fall equinox gaia centric living guided meditation holistic healing holistic health local connecticut medicinal aromatherapy meditation mental health qi gong reiki grid salt cave salt therapy self care self healing sound healing workshops ct

Once again we have the cool nights and the warm days. Gone is the heat and humidity of summer and we welcome the coming of fall. Metal season in Chinese medicine is here once again as we shift away from the Earth element energies. This is the time of year when the gardens are producing at a rapid rate because the cooler weather tells the plants they need the production to survive. I came home from a recent vacation to my garden exploding! I harvested so many cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, flowers, and peppers. Even all of the shiitake logs fruited while I was away. It was better year for the weather than last year. We certainly had our share of rain but we had just enough sunny days in between the wet ones. Now we get to enjoy the harvest. Speaking of harvest this year the harvest moon is a super moon and it will be on 9/18! The equinox is on Sunday 9/22 in the morning. I am hosting a fall equinox meditation in the salt cave on 9/21 at 4pm we can connect with the energy of the super moon and the equinox at the same time. 

 Here is some more info about the event.

Celebrate the equinox representing the point of equal day and night. Find balance within yourself connecting with the energy of this special day. This will also not be too far away from the full harvest moon. This holistic meditation will utilize medicinal aromatherapy, crystal healing, sound healing, and qi gong. It is designed to bring a deeper connection between ourselves and mother earth. Take time for yourself to become grounded. As you bring your awareness inside, you will discover the light that shines within. The meditation begins by applying essential oils. We will start moving into simple qi gong exercises to open up energy. Then we will lie down and receive crystals for relaxation. The journey will be accompanied by sound healing instruments. The meditation will close with an inspirational passage and time for reflection.

Space is limited. Sign up today!


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  • Nancy Jordan on

    Sign up on 9/21 4 pm

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