Chi for Healing Blog — tickprevention #tickseason #herbaltinctures #bugrepellent #insectrepellent #insectprotection #herbalremedies #protocols #chiforhealing #gaiacentricliving
How I repel ticks NATURALLY in New England, plant based, safe for pets & kids!

UPDATE: I just made up a fresh batch of Tick-Prevention Tonic Tincture! This blend is partly based on Stephen Harrod Buhner’s protocols in addition to Chinese herbs and medicinal mushrooms mixed in. For those who are unaware, Stephen Harrod Buhner is a well-known herbalist, autodidact, and best-selling author who shares a tick-repellant recipe in his popular book, Healing Lyme (2nd Ed). In this novel, he claims that this recipe is 99% effective for major tick specimens that carry Borrelia burgdorferi, the organism that transmits Lyme disease from infected black-legged deer ticks. According to the CDC, over 300,000 cases...