Chi for Healing Blog — seasonal allergies

Did you see the olympics and all of those cupping marks?

allergy remedy chi for healing chinese herbal consultations chinese herbs chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain cupping cupping therapy energy healing fire cupping gaia centric living heal chronic illness heal chronic pain healing tools holistic healing holistic health immune support moxa moxibustion pain relief seasonal allergies seasonal protection self care self care tools self healing self healing tools

Did you see the olympics and all of those cupping marks?

I saw so many cupping marks on athletes at the games. I remember in 2016 when Michael Phelps had the cupping marks at the Rio games. after that, so many people were interested in cupping and what it could do. 

Check out the video I made to learn about fire cupping and what it can help with. 

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Benefits of Reishi Mushroom

allergy relief allergy remedy allergy tonic chi for healing chinese herbs chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain gaia centric healing gaia centric living heal chronic illness heal chronic pain herbal formulas herbal medicine herbal remedy herbal tinctures holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost immunity products immunity tonic mental health nature connection reishi reishi mushroom seasonal allergies seasonal protection wild foraged wild mushrooms

Benefits of Reishi Mushroom

What are some of the things that Reishi is good for?
Reishi is an adaptogenic herb that has a very calming effect on the body. From a TCM perspective it can help to tonify the Shen which resides in our heart. The Shen is our spirit and when it is out of balance patterns of anxiety and
depression are very common. So Reishi is an incredible herb for mental health.

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5 tips to treat seasonal allergies holistically

allergy relief allergy remedy allergy tonic chi for healing chinese herbal consultations chinese herbs chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain edible flowers energy healing gaia centric living heal chronic illness heal chronic pain healing tools herbal formulas herbal medicine herbal remedy herbal tinctures holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost immunity products nature connection qi gong seasonal allergies seasonal protection self care self care tools self healing self healing tools stinging nettles telehealth virtual classes virtual consultations virtual services virtual sesssions virtual workshops wild foraged wild foraging

5 tips to treat seasonal allergies holistically

Use these practices for allergy prevention and to help treat allergies with alternative medicine

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How to use moxibustion for healing inflammation

allergy relief allergy remedy chi for healing chinese herbs chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain gaia centric living heal chronic illness heal chronic pain healing tools herbal medicine herbal remedy holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost mental health moxa moxibustion mugwort pain relief seasonal allergies self care self care tools self healing self healing tools

How to use moxibustion for healing inflammation

Using the dried herb mugwort moxa you can alleviate pain, boost energy, and feel good. The heat of the herb goes deep into the body to open up energy blockages on all levels. You can open up specific acupoints or go directly to the areas of discomfort. Moxa is great for lung conditions, neck and back pain, headaches, and more...

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How to use guasha for pain relief

allergy relief chi for healing chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain gaia centric living guasha guasha tool heal chronic illness heal chronic pain healing tools holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost pain relief seasonal allergies self care self care tools self healing self healing tools

How to use guasha for pain relief

Guasha can help with neck pain, headaches, low back pain, sinus congestion, drain the lymphatic system, and release muscle tension. It can also help to boost immunity by jumpstarting the bodies ability to heal itself! 

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