Chi for Healing Blog — new year
Make way for what's in store in 2024
chi for healing chinese herbal consultations chinese herbs chinese medicine gaia centric healing gaia centric living heal chronic illness heal chronic pain herbal medicine herbal tinctures holistic healing holistic health medicinal aromatherapy meditation new year new year intentions qi gong self care self care tools self healing self healing tools telehealth tong ren healing virtual classes virtual consultations virtual services virtual sesssions

Happy new year! We did our annual tradition of going to the waterfall on new year’s day. We like to soak in the energy of the water that flows abundantly into the new year. 2023 was a challenging year for me on a lot of levels. I know it was for so many others too. There was lots of highs and lows. Finding balance on the rollercoaster of life is key. This is part of the reason why I am letting go of my west hartford location of chi for healing. January 9th will be my last day in the...