Chi for Healing Blog — edible flowers
Spring Greetings!
allergy relief allergy remedy chi for healing chinese herbs chinese medicine conservation earth day eco conscious edible flowers essential oils gaia centric living gardening herbal formulas herbal medicine herbal remedy herbal tinctures meditation nature connection new year intentions qi gong seasonal protection spring stinging nettles sustainability wild foraged wild foraging wild mushrooms

I hope to see you at one of my events this spring. Here are some of the exciting things I have planned so far.
1. My next Qi Gong certification course is on 4/20 and 4/21.
2. I am doing a special forage walk with the ct foraging club on 5/5. at 10 am in Killingworth.
3. My weekly evening qigong class is Tuesdays at 6 and will be hosted outside at the barn. I am working on finding an indoor space with inclement weather.
4. My weekly morning qi gong class is at 10 am in the sanctuary room.
5. I am hosting a Summer Solstice meditation in the Salt cave 6/22 at 4pm.
5 tips to treat seasonal allergies holistically
allergy relief allergy remedy allergy tonic chi for healing chinese herbal consultations chinese herbs chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain edible flowers energy healing gaia centric living heal chronic illness heal chronic pain healing tools herbal formulas herbal medicine herbal remedy herbal tinctures holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost immunity products nature connection qi gong seasonal allergies seasonal protection self care self care tools self healing self healing tools stinging nettles telehealth virtual classes virtual consultations virtual services virtual sesssions virtual workshops wild foraged wild foraging

From seed to bloom-Growing on your healing journey
chi for healing chinese herbal consultations chinese herbs chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain edible flowers gaia centric healing gaia centric living gardening heal chronic illness heal chronic pain herbal formulas herbal medicine herbal remedy herbal tinctures holistic healing holistic health nature connection qi gong self care self care tools self healing self healing tools virtual classes virtual consultations virtual services virtual sesssions virtual workshops