Chi for Healing Blog — qi
Utilizing Qigong to Counter Chronic Pain
chi for healing chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain gaia centric living heal chronic illness heal chronic pain healing tools holistic healing holistic health immune support pain relief qi qi gong self care tools self healing self healing tools

Qi gong for Chronic Pain Certification Course in October 2023
chi for healing chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain energy healing gaia centric healing gaia centric living guided meditation heal chronic illness heal chronic pain healing tools holistic healing holistic health immune support meditation mental health pain relief qi qi gong self care self care tools self healing self healing tools sound healing

Workshop Details:
📅 Date: 10.7.23 - 10.8.23 🕒 Time: Sat + Sun 10am - 5pm 📍 Location: The Red Barn in Durham (352 Main St Durham, CT 06422
Registration: Click Here
Self love meditation 2/12 at 2 pm
aromatherapy chi for healing crystal healing emotional support four pillars of self healing gaia centric healing gaia centric living guided meditation holistic healing holistic health medicinal aromatherapy meditation mental health nature connection new year intentions qi qi gong reiki grid self care self care tools self healing self healing tools