Check out this video to learn about the four pillars of self healing and how to apply them to your life. This is a protocol that I have come up with after working with clients for over a decade. I focus on helping people with chronic illness and chronic pain to use these pillars to change their life. However anyone can use them to take healing into their own hands.
1. Nourishment-(Nutrition) plant based foods, water
Wild foods, supplements, sunshine, earthing
2. Movement-(Exercise)
walking and qi gong
3. Mindfulness-(Meditation)
meditating with nature, journaling, affirmations, inspirational readings
4. Therapeutics-(Healing tools) ex. Reiki, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Cupping, Moxa, Aromatherapy, Crystal healing, Colonics, Footbaths, Tong Ren, Massage, Guasha, Auriculotherapy.
For more info contact
Find Erik on the healing is in your hands podcast
Also on social media @chifohealing and @earthwalker11