Full flower moon inspiration

chi for healing digital download digital meditation emotional support energy healing flower moon full moon gaia centric living holistic healing holistic health lunar eclipse meditation mental health nature connection positive affirmations self care super moon

The flower moon is full today! It is a super-moon meaning it is closer to the earth and a total lunar eclipse happened this morning!

This is a powerful time to go within. Feel what the energies of the moon are bringing up in you. Let the moon illuminate what may have been hidden. Accept whatever arises. Let it bring any darkness to the light. The beautiful mirror of the moon can support and guide us in so many ways.

How does the moon support you?

I went outside at 2 am last night and basked in the moonlight. It was a magical moment that wasn’t caught on camera!!!

With this moon I have been feeling a powerful awakening inside. There has been lots of inspiration and motivation to accomplish my goals and tasks. Some messages I have been receiving are-you can do this! You are supported. Keep it simple and let the energy flow. Be clear with your vision and the energy will follow your focus. 

What messages or magical moments has the moon brought for you?

I am excited to share with you some of the things I have been working on. The first thing is the opportunity to participate in a new membership group. Details will be released soon. So stay tuned. 

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