Chi for Healing Blog — heal chronic illness

How to use moxibustion for healing inflammation

allergy relief allergy remedy chi for healing chinese herbs chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain gaia centric living heal chronic illness heal chronic pain healing tools herbal medicine herbal remedy holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost mental health moxa moxibustion mugwort pain relief seasonal allergies self care self care tools self healing self healing tools

How to use moxibustion for healing inflammation

Using the dried herb mugwort moxa you can alleviate pain, boost energy, and feel good. The heat of the herb goes deep into the body to open up energy blockages on all levels. You can open up specific acupoints or go directly to the areas of discomfort. Moxa is great for lung conditions, neck and back pain, headaches, and more...

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How to use guasha for pain relief

allergy relief chi for healing chinese medicine chronic illness chronic pain gaia centric living guasha guasha tool heal chronic illness heal chronic pain healing tools holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost pain relief seasonal allergies self care self care tools self healing self healing tools

How to use guasha for pain relief

Guasha can help with neck pain, headaches, low back pain, sinus congestion, drain the lymphatic system, and release muscle tension. It can also help to boost immunity by jumpstarting the bodies ability to heal itself! 

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