Chi for Healing Blog — immune support
Happy Earth Day! earth connection & sustainability newsletter
allergy relief allergy remedy allergy tonic bug prevention bug spray chi for healing chinese herbal consultations chinese herbs chinese medicine digital meditation essential oils gaia centric living herbal tinctures holistic healing holistic health immune support nature connection seasonal allergies self care specials stinging nettles sustainability tick prevention tick remedy wild foraging

I found this journal entry from 2017 the other day and wanted to share it with you! "When we consciously choose to connect with the earth we are connecting with our ancestors, bringing us back to when times are simpler. In our history we walked close to the earth. Being a part of nature was being a part of life and we did not live without this connection. When we take time to breathe, to hear the world around us, to truly see a plant or tree, to feel the soil at our feet it is then that we truly...
Tick Prevention tips for you and your pets
bug prevention bug spray chi for healing chinese herbs chinese medicine essential oils gaia centric living herbal formulas herbal medicine herbal remedy herbal tinctures holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost immunity products stinging nettles tick prevention tick remedy wild foraged wild foraging wild mushrooms

Seasonal allergy herbal remedy using wild foraged and chinese herbs
allergy relief allergy remedy allergy tonic chi for healing chinese herbal consultations chinese herbs gaia centric living herbal formulas herbal medicine herbal remedy herbal tinctures holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost immunity products immunity tonic seasonal allergies stinging nettles wild foraged wild foraging wild mushrooms

Spring Renewal Digital Download Meditation
chi for healing digital download digital meditation emotional support energy healing gaia centric living herbal medicine holistic healing holistic health immune support meditation mental health nature connection new year intentions positive affirmations self care sustainability wild foraging

Happy Spring! Enjoy this digital download meditation for FREE after giving me a review on Google, Facebook, or as a video testimonial. Thank you and be well.
Chinese new year of the ox reflections
chi for healing chinese herbal consultations chinese herbs emotional support energy healing gaia centric living holiday sale holistic healing holistic health immune support immunity boost immunity products meditation new year intentions pu erh tea qi gong self care specials tea telehealth tong ren healing virtual classes virtual consultations virtual services virtual sesssions virtual workshops winter wellness

“The Year of the Ox will be a year of endurance. It's no longer just about survival but about anchoring ourselves and concretizing our dreams. The Ox is associated with Yin (feminine, receptive) energy.”From Dr. Ming WuI love this description of the year ahead! I feel like it is perfectly inline with where we are and we we are going. The events of the past year have given us all a lesson in endurance. I love that notion of switching from survival into anchoring ourselves in our dreams. As we have now entered into the age of Aquarius and the energy of the...